Aside from publications in the scientific literature, the work conducted in the lab has also received attention from more mainstream media outlets, here’s a selection of the original articles.
NPR’s Science Friday interview with Jonathan Rader on vulture flight speed at high altitude
Endeavors magazine on Pranav Khandewal’s field study of flying lizards
DEEP LOOK a new ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco / PBS Digital Studios featured Hedrick lab animations in their video on hummingbirds
Another Science News article by Nsikan Akpan
Science News article by Nsikan Akpan
Raleigh News and Observer article by Jay Price
Wired article by Nick Stockton
Raleigh News and Observer article by Hannah Miller
Nature News article by Ed Yong
NPR Science Friday’s video blog
Canadian Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet
In 2009 a podcast for the journal Science featured Dr. Hedrick explaining his flapping counter-torque model. Coincidentally, while lab tech Brad worked in a science museum, he also talked about the FCT model for a Museum of Science podcast. The original article can be found here.